My wife and I love dogs, as do most of our family and friends. We have always had dogs and we always will. Heck, there's a loyal canine sleeping at my feet as I write this! So this month I thought I would finally share some photos I have taken, some for myself and some for commission.

I have photographed these three magnificent Shelties before and they are such incredible dogs as well as beautiful subjects to photograph. I have many favorites from photographing them but this is a more recent favorite.

I'm totally biased, but I can't get enough photos of our Kody. He is our Border Collie/Husky mix and he is the most photographed dog I have ever had. Dog-wise, he is the apple of our eye, and there is no shortage of great images of him. I had to struggle to limit myself to only sharing one photo of him.

The above shot was from a full day of shooting dogs and owners for a Milk-Bone promotion. Kim and I wanted to kidnap this dog if we thought even for a moment it's owner was mistreating it. As it turns out, the owner was terrific and they were very happy together. It had to be the cutest pup in the building that day, bar none. Anyways, this is a favorite from that day of dogs and owners.

Ponce and Jason, left to right. Originally portrayed in color, I recently reprocessed the Raw file in B&W and I like it much better. It has a major 3D pop to it. I took this one shortly after starting LWP. I was ready and willing to shoot anything and this was my first dog "self assignment". I will be shooting more!

I photographed this striking Golden in a field near the edge of the woods in Fall. There were two of them that day, this adult dog above and a youngster. The owner requested I photograph them both individually and together. The funny thing is, we would pose them, then I would walk over and crouch down to shoot and the pup would run to me and try to give my lens what I like to call a "nose stamp". (I'm on to that old dog trick) I've wiped more than a few wet nose marks off my lenses! Dogs are great!
If you want to do a shoot with your dog or dogs, contact me and we can totally customize what you want to do. Whether indoor, outdoors, running, playing, standing at attention, or laying upside down... I'll do my best to capture your special companion, or any other pet for that matter! Whatever you do, make sure you get great photos of your loved ones, both human and the fur covered variety.
If you want to do a shoot with your dog or dogs, contact me and we can totally customize what you want to do. Whether indoor, outdoors, running, playing, standing at attention, or laying upside down... I'll do my best to capture your special companion, or any other pet for that matter! Whatever you do, make sure you get great photos of your loved ones, both human and the fur covered variety.